Avalanche of prosperity - 15

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Avalanche of prosperity - 15


Channeled recording:

Holding an outcome loosely in awareness to be highest conduit of an avalanche of prosperity. 

Hold loosely in awareness


I now release the gold mine within me. I am linked with an endless golden stream of prosperity which comes to me under grace in perfect ways. 

Creator, source, great spirit, divine father ,mother of the cosmos calling in highest guidance and guides of the highest truth and compassion.  MAY I BE THE HIGHEST CONDUIT of  a cal please help show me clearly the direction to go and be a conduit for highest prosperity. CALL me clearly and so that I might reach and benefit humanity broadly  Thank for this opportunity .  For . Its beauty and its light .Please flood my soul your light and intelligence with . I ask for clarity in body mind heart and spirit. Please grant me the wisdom to perceive and discern where I must serve and how I may receive. May my life forces energy allow me to be the highest  vehicle for your love, light and  compassion . May my mind be open to highest prospects and outcome without attachment.

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